Our Process

What Happens When We Receive Your Complaint?

File a Complaint Process

Learn more about the full process for filing a complaint - learn where to start, what information you need to gather, and when to contact CPD.

We will review your complaint and take action on behalf of the consuming public as appropriate.  We may refer your complaint to another agency or, depending on the nature of your claim, we may communicate with the business involved before responding to you. The Georgia Attorney General's Consumer Protection Division does not act as a judge in the dispute and cannot force the business to reimburse you or comply in any other way.  The matter may escalate to an investigation if the company has shown a pattern of similar violations that fall under our jurisdiction. 

We do respond to written complaints.  Most of our communication is by letter or e-mail.  We deal with a large number of complaints each day, and thorough reviews take time.  Understand that you will not receive an immediate reply from our office and please refrain from calling for status reports unless several months have passed.

Your complaint helps to inform us about problems facing Georgia consumers and about companies which may be operating unscrupulously or fraudulently in our state.  Even if the matter is resolved, forwarding a statement of your experience, with relevant documentation, might help us establish a pattern of unlawful business practices against this company.